So, this is not a paid endorsement. I just found this picture on the Crazy Love website and wanted to put it on my blog. I know that Pastor Francis Chan has no idea who I am, but he is helping me to know more about my God, which is enormously amazing.
I bought this from amazon last night and put it on my Kindle app for my phone. I am so pumped about this that I can hardly stand it. I just want to share that nobody put me up to posting it or talking about it, or anything. My mama can testify... if I don't want to do something, it takes a lot to make me do it. So, there you go...
Anyway, back to the book... I'd seen it in Lifeway a couple of months back, and it popped up on my amazon's list of what they think I'd like. I read the intro for free and decided that it really was speaking to me, so alongside of my bible in 90 day plan, I am trying to get closer to God through this book too. Right from the get go it has changed how I see my amazing, awesome, monumental, huge, bigger than I have words for, Jesus. I want to be changed. I want to be more authentic. I want to dig in my heels and be known as a Christian, because other people categorize me as that, not because I claim to be one. I want to be so controversial because Jesus was controversial. I don't want to be seeker sensitive. I know that people hated Jesus. He rubbed the pharisees the wrong way. I want to be just as irritating, but just as much full of love. I want to be in love with Him. I want to be committed to Him. I want to be pumped and excited about Him and what He is doing. I want to be ignited. Crazy. Embarassing. I want to be like David, dancing for Him. I want to be more foolish than this.
I think this book can help me do that. Being in the presence of my Daddy... priceless. I want to remember how enormous He is. How perfect He is. How everything in my life pales and withers in comparison to His cosmic power in my life.
Last night, Tracey and I let Seth and Liam drive for about 30 minutes in the local community college parking lot. They did fabulously well. They are so amazing. It was pretty groovy watching my last 2 babies drive around the parking lot, with Tracey in the front giving great instructions. He has so much more patience than me. It was a little disconcerting too, since they are still pretty young, but on their way to being not so young anymore. Seth, 12 this year, and Liam a staggering 15 this year, are incredible little human beings. Jayde, reaching for the stars in all of her 19 years, toward the Art Institute, Spencer, killer handsome senior in high school, looking towards the Air Force in May, Ashley, majestic and reserved, also looking towards her future as a junior.... they are all incredible humans in their own rights. They are also testimonies, even though they don't fully recognize this, that God is a big God. He can handle anything. He blended our family in a way that we never thought possible. His mighty hand has truly carried us in times we were not walking, but drowning. Now, they are all focused on the future, looking towards God's plan for their lives, not staring at each other in frustration. We are all moving as one toward the common goal. The Lord has shown himself sooooo faithful. It is amazing. He is amazing. I stand in true awe.
I love you guys. Be amazed. Look toward the stars and be amazed. You are perfectly and wonderfully made.
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