The devil knows exactly where we are, and what can derail us at any given moment. We have to be prepared. Case in point: this morning, out of nowhere, the devil started working on me. Within a couple of minutes the thoughts swimming through my head were consumed with worry and self condemnation. It took more than a couple of hours for me to get out from underneath it. I hated it. I knew it was an attack from the enemy, but my mind kept saying, what if it's right? What if those things really might happen and you really are a horrible person? So, even though I was trying to "think" myself better and give myself the truth, my head kept me from it.
We have got to be careful. It is not enough to know the enemy is there, we have got to be prepared. Those who fail to prepare are preparing to fail, right? That should be one of my mantras, because preparation is a shortcoming of mine. Sure, I can think a thing to death, but actually get up and do something about it? God is still working on me, thank you Jesus!
That being said, what do we do when we come under attack? We have to remember that it is the devil's goal to slip us up at every turn, so we have to have our defenses up and ready for anything he might try to throw at us. Worship is where I come into the presence of God best. When I worship, my whole heart and soul is pointed toward the Heavens and the Heavenly. So, for me a great weapon would be a worship song. My prayer language. I could bust out with my prayer language when I feel under attack. Pray the scriptures. God's word is a mighty sword, able to separate bone from the marrow, right? It is sharp and very specific. I weakly tried to remind myself that I was a child of the King this morning. Yes, that is very true, but if that is the only thing I can come up with, that is charging hell with a water pistol. That defense tells the devil who I am, a very weak and fragile princess on my very best day. But my Father....Is 9:6,
He is mighty to save, He is faithful to hold on to me, He is truth and life, He is a mighty warrior on my behalf, in fact He has already beaten the tar out of the devil! Remind your demons how big YOUR God is. That is where the power is. And remember, there is a snare around every corner, but we are not ignorant of the enemy's devices. In Jesus name, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37)!!
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