My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." II Corinthians 12:19
What I thought would never happen, happened. I got fired. You know what? That is ok with me. As it turned out, I had the opportunity to resign, and that has been a freeing experience for me. What I have realized is that I do love to teach. I do love my students. That was something that I was not entirely convinced of when this all went came down. Actually that day, I never wanted to see the inside of a classroom again. But, some kind of miraculous emerging occurred that day.
I was first removed from facilitator, then I was made aware that my principal would not be renewing my contract with the district. It was completely humiliating and I could hardly hold my head up the next day. I thought everyone was looking right through me. I felt their questions boring into me as I passed through the halls. The head of human resources for the district called me into his office and we discussed my options. I chose to sign a letter of resignation instead of allow her to terminate my contract. The moment I did that, I felt the whole responsibility to please her was dissolved and my passion for my students was rekindled. I realized that without the debilatating fear of an upcoming attack, I could really get into what I was doing again. I could seek out the passion with which I started teaching. I truly wanted to get back into the day by day enjoying of what I was doing. When I was faced with choosing something else, I took a hard look at myself and realized that I really do love these kids. I want to work on getting it right every day, and I can clearly see places in my routine that need some help. Isn't that the constant in any profession though; seeing things that need improvement and continuously honing them in order to be better and stronger every year? I know I will never be perfect, which means I will always have room for improvement.
Perfect love casts out all fear. Tracey, Mary, Vonda, my parents, my family, have shown perfect and wonderful love through this whole ordeal. It has been a wonderful experience, albeit incredibly stressful, and I know that the other side of this will be a blessing. God is for me, who can be against me? Now we just have TAKS looming. I am pumped about Taks bootcamp that I am running for my students and they are going to do great! Yeah!
Over and out.